Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day!

Look Santa came!

Emily literally sat and danced to this Doc Mcstuffins radio for several minutes. She didn't want to open anything else since she was having so much fun.

She loved her first set of cowgirl boots!

Her first bicycle!

She loves her Elmo dolls. It was so funny when Elmo laughed and kicked his legs, she'd yell "Stop it, Elmo, Stop it!"

Her first kitchen. She played with this all morning!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween! Trick-or-treat, give me something good to eat!

This was Emily's first time in the NCCI Halloween parade in the Atrium. All the kids at the YMCA daycare parade around the atrium and trick-or-treat for some delicious candy from NCCI employees. It was so much fun. Emily looked adorable and really had a blast. Once we got to grandma's house she stripped down to her diaper and refused to wear any clothes!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hanging out with the family and Cousin Addy

Playing ring-around-the-rosies with Aunt Lucy.

This was about as good as it gets for a group shot! Everyone was looking different directions and wouldn't sit still!
Emily giving cousin Addy huggies and kissies. She loves her cousin so much.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

First trip to the beach!

Emily was terrified of the waves and not super crazy about the sand, but she loved going around socializing with the people!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Emily's first trip to the Palm Beach Zoo with grandma and cousin Addy

 Emily playing with her cousin Addisyn. She wanted to share everything with her.  So cute together!

Yes, that is a dill pickle. It's no wonder I loved pickles while I was pregnant!

Great picture of Grandma and cousin Addy!

Emily was having so much fun chasing the duckies at lunchtime.

Taking a quick break from lunch to pose for a picture.

Emily having fun with mommy for before heading home. She had so much fun!

Group shot! We'll have to do that again sometime!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Polly pigtails!

All ready for church and excited to go see mee-maw...